Senior Citizens Lunch Club

Enjoy a freshly cooked lunch at the School on Thursdays at 12.15 in term-time. Book by Monday 01604 858414

TADD (Towcester Area Door-to-Door) Transport

for medical appointments and visiting by volunteers in private cars. 01327 810300

Prescription collection and deliveries by volunteers

Ask at Park Slope surgery


Advice and services available for the over 50s. Village rep; Beryl Andrews 858252
Age UK Northamptonshire

Northants Carers

01933 677837 or meet Jenny Osborne at the Chapel Coffee House on the 3rd Wed each month 10 – 11.30 am

Carers’ lunch on 3rd Thursday

Happy at Home

Volunteers to help elderly and vulnerable residents in rural areas. Also including Safe n Sound checks promoting safety and health in the home

Nicola Toms at Daventry Volunteer Centre 01327 300614

Rural Well-being Service – ACRE

The project involves visiting rural communities with our mobile Information Bus, which is hired from South Northants Volunteer Bureau.  Call 01604 825883 / 07808 330549 for more information about when the bus visits Blisworth

Monday Club

Bereavement support group 01604 764243

Mobile Library

Care and Repair,  Handy Person Scheme

Home improvement agency. Trading standards approved charity
01604 782250


Security scheme to assist homeowners aged 60 & over 01327 302322


Emergency personal alarms 08454 606888 (South Northants Homes)

NAB (Northampton Association for the Blind)

Helpline 01604 719193

Concessionary travel passes for over 65s

Available at Northampton libraries

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